So, it's been a while since I've worked on bunnyrot, so it was about time i spiced things up. Everyone pointed out that the hospital level was a bit bland and boRing, so i'll be adding a new zone to it that you will have to traverse in order to get to the exit, as well as changin up the already existing portion. I thought i could have a single elevator instead of One for going up and one for going down, in which you can select what level you want. However, a key will be missing from the floor selection, so you'll have to find That key in order to go to that floor. I've also given Easter a new mechanic, where he can take medication to stop the poison effect and also calm his nerves, which while highly boosting your sanity, will make you a bit slower
I also spiced out the music a bit, but you'll have to wait for the next demo to drop to hear it