I have realised i can use this blog post feature for something other than shitposting, so I'm gonna inform y'all on what's next in store for Bunnyrot.
Some people left a few reviews on the demo that i made, reviews which I'll try to keep in mind when working on the game from here on out. I also haven't been really working on it for a while BUT since school's gonna end soon, I'll have plenty time this summer. I'm going to try to
- Finish the hospital
- Get the menus ready
- Start working on a new stage
- And, if everything goes well, I might try to add a few new survivors 😳
I won't say much about the new survivors, but PRAY that the HILLBILLY won't leave you needing MEDICAL attention.
Anyway yeah
I'm now gonna upload an updated version of the hospital music as I worked on it a bit